Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Candy Crush Level 32 Tips

Candy Crush Level 32 Tips

Candy crush level 32 is a timed level, so quick matches are a must. Follow these tips to speed through this level.

Power combos

Look for power combos near the bottom of the screen to score as many points as possible in one move.

Work the bottom of the screen.

This helps with cascading matches above, hopefully generating special candies to use in subsequent moves. Cascading matches build points too. 

Focus one on side of the screen at a time.

This maximizes the potential matches on each side of the screen. This also helps to save time. Scanning the entire screen is slower than scanning a portion of it.

1 comment:

  1. you simply have to move fast to beat this level. Watch my video here. http://thecandycrushsaga.com/tips-beat-candy-crush-level-32/
